Given this exam is available, I am sure programmers will start getting confused that whether should they go for Java SE 8 or wait for the more latest Java SE 9, 10, or 11 exams. If you compare this with Java SE 7 exam, many questions are higher and difficult compared to, and you will get 2.5-3.5 hours to answer all questions. The format of the exam is similar to the previous certification, e.g., Java SE 7 Associate and Professional exams (1Z0-803 and 1Z0-804). The certification is called, "Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer - 1Z0-808" and has written for the Java SE 8 release. Anyway, I said great, as programmers are still digesting changes from Java 8 now have a chance to be certified the on latest Java 8. I know, you might be thinking about Java SE 11 certification, which is the latest Java certification available, but still many programmers are going for Java 8 because that's what they use in their production environment.

During my casual browsing, I noticed that even though it's almost a year since Java SE 9 was released and 6 months since Java SE 10 was released the latest Java certification is still the Java SE 8 certification. This prompted me to browse through Oracle's certification website.

Today one of my readers asked about what is the latest OCPJP or SCJP exams available and is there a Java certification available for Java SE 9 and Java SE 10? I don't have much detail, so I still keep this post as it is, but once I have got more information. You can take these two exams to become a certified Java 11 developer, but if you already have an Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer for the Java 6, 7, or 8 versions, then you can take the upgrade OCP Java 6, 7, and 8 to Java SE 11 Developer exam (Exam Code 1Z0-817). Update: The latest version of Java SE certification is now OCAJP 11 (1Z0-815) and OCPJP 11 (1Z0-816) which is based upon Java 11 version.